Monday, March 14, 2011


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Monday, March 7, 2011


A great video, an important message, a universal problem.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Getting your Business Started with a Facebook 'Like' Page

While teaching my Social Media for Small Business Course, my students have been asking alot about Facebook. They know the potential to increase awareness about their business is there, but aren't sure how to get started. I thought I'd shed some light on the keys ways to maximize your Facebook business page and what you need to focus on when starting out...

So, you've created your 'Like' what?

Engage - Entertain - Educate

People judge books by their cover and people will judge your business if you don't have the proper information laid out for them. Your Facebook profile picture is the first impression people may have about you and your business. Make sure it's something related, eye-catching and flattering if it is a picture of you. Most of all make sure you have one.

The whole purpose of Facebook is for friends to connect, share information, photos and updates about what's going on in their lives. If you don't do the same with your business page, you're missing out and the REAL Facebook users will notice this. Add friends as soon as you can and you'll notice the word quickly spread that you're now on Facebook!

Your wall is your main platform to interact with Facebook users and your friends. Be interactive, make posts, comments and share your status updates. Make comments on behalf of your business but make sure you only do when it's relevant. ie. Jane says: I want a sandwich sooo bad!' Joe's Deli says: Come on down to Joe's! Italian meatball subs are on sale today!

YouTube is the second largest search engine next to Google. People love videos and pictures and the more you can share when them , the more they're likely to share with others. Create some DIY videos or a tour of your shop, introduce your employees or give a history of how your business came to be. Pictures are also great and also show you're properly engaging yourself online.

Hope this helps! Happy FBing! :)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Getting Hired with Social Media

As my 'dream job' hunt continues, I've been reading a lot of articles online explaining how to utilize social media to get you hired.

I read an article on 5 ways Twitter can get you hired and found it very interesting but still lacking. As someone relatively new to Twitter and although I believe I'm following the right people, isn't it about them following me? I have leveraged my own branded message in my profile description and am hoping this might push me in the right direction...up.

The explanation of #hastags is a great idea and I do plan to use this more in the future. If you're in the same spot as me, check out the article for some great ideas.

Knowing Twitter is a big deal, it's safe to assume Facebook can be utilized in a similar way. In 5 Ways Facebook Can Get You Hired I think the most important idea is the status update but then again, how much is too much? With all these businesses and marketers joining Facebook, isn't the whole point of it being lost? As I tell my students in my Social Media for Business Course, don't try to broadcast your message all the time else you will be despised and disregarded by the online community. The idea is to be social, affiliate marketing is fine but use it sparingly...I'm learning to take my own advice.

Personally, I'm finding Linkedin to be a fantastic resource. Not only are there some great job postings, the discussions are a great way to ask questions and get answers to any number of PR related questions. Right now, my favourite is HAPPO - Help a PR Pro Out. Check it out!

I've applied to a number of jobs over the past few weeks, a few of which could be insanely fantastic but still the fateful question remains...when's my interview date??

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Teaching an Old Dog New Computer Tricks

Last night while teaching my Social Media for Small Business Course, we started to dive into websites; Developing one, key points for design, layout and content. Developing a website seems to be the hottest topic for these small business owners with the reoccurring questions: How do people find me on Google?

In my class I've introduced Wix as a great platform to start developing a website on. It's free and although Flash sites are said to be on their way out, it's still a great way to initiate your business on the web.

One gentlemen said to me, "I wish it was easier. I want it to have a step by step 'click here' and next 'click here'." I thought this interesting as personally, I thought Wix was already easy...can it get any easier?

People need to remember to be patient with themselves, especially when learning something new. No matter what we're learning, it takes time and patience and after putting in the time, it BECOMES easy. There is no 'click here for next step' button in other applications, it just comes with practice.

Below I've listed 5 personal pointers for anyone looking to develop their own site and get online:

1. Be patient - Rome wasn't build in a day and your site won't be either. Start by developing your content and being sure to include the correct information. From there you can decide if you want to add pages, change your layout, colour scheme etc. Content is key; step two is visual appeal.

2. Be happy - You're teaching yourself a new skill, a technical new skill, even! How long did it take you to understand Math or read the Ulysses? be proud of yourself for taking a giant leap forward in your personal development.

3. Ask for help - This was always my biggest issue in school, I hated asking for help but it's something I've had to get over to better myself There are thousands of articles, videos and people out there who are more knowledge able then you when it comes to social media and online techniques...ASK THEM! It's what they have what you need and often, they're offering it for free. Who knows, maybe you have something they need too!?

4. Dive right in - The best way to learn french is to go to France; become a cook is to experiment with different recipes. Submerse yourself in it and get involved! Join discussions on Linkedin and Facebook. Start up a Twitter account just to see what happens and how it works. The more you use these online tools, the more understanding you'll have about how they work and the quicker that knowledge will come.

5. Optimize you SEO - Your SEO or Search Engine Optimization, is the most important tool to get yourself found my internet search engines. With Wix you can change this under the Settings tab. Be clear in the words and phrases you choose and consider how people searching for your business might do so. Also, keep in mind that this does usually take about a month for Google to properly index your site.

Hope this helps! Enjoy! :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Now Hiring -insert dream job- !

It seems I know more than a handful of skilled yet unemployed people in the Communications industry (among many others) and I'm soon to be one of them.

Hopping from short-term contract to short-term contract with marginal pay is not what I had in mind for my 'career' when I entered school for Public Relations. The 'tips' I find online are hardly 'out of the box' thinking. So what's the deal?

I was top of my class, I volunteered for more special events and promotions gigs then anyone I know. I was elected Logistics Chair by my class for our event (I think that's saying something.) I landed myself a fantastic internship where I learned from the best of the best about writing, special events, advertising, marketing and communications in the corporate world. I've traveled the world and have a through understanding of various forms and methods of communications as well as a broad sense of the world we live in. I'm detail-oriented, hard working and left standing on the platform as the train of 'dream employment' drives off.

I've searched for months and don't get me wrong, I'm exceptionally grateful for the job I do have. It's in my field, I'm learning buckets of information about social media for business and developing myself as a social media strategist and the people I work for are great. But this is a temporary position and soon ending.

The saying 'it's not what you know, it's who you know', keeps jumping into my head and I want to swat it with a bat. I can only make so many new acquaintances in the industry without actually being very far in it. UPS should have called me back when I applied; maybe I should invite them to my Tupperware party.

I have a blog, I'm on Linkedin, I have Facebook and Twitter, I really don't know how many more connections I can make and hints I can drop without begging.

Maybe I'm too set on my 'perfect job'. Is it too much to want to work for a great company? To be proud of what they do and enjoy going to work every day? To better myself by working there and in turn, better them and their image? To have fun and make friends at the same time? Personally, I don't know many people have their 'dream job' but I can't lose faith, I know it's out there and I know it shall be mine!

What's that saying?...oh right...Keep Calm and Carry On.

Monday, January 24, 2011

crossfit women

My fiancee and I (with the help of my brother who is already very into it) have recently started Crossfit in order to get healthy, get inshape and create a new norm for our life.

College and University is not a healthy time what with the constant binge drinking, smoking and sleeping. After doing this for 5 years, not only are you very unhealthy but you've also started down a dangerous path.

We begin to develop habits for ourselves while we're away at school, free from our parents and most people who might have something to say if they knew how we were living our life. This routine then crosses into our adult life since, well really, this is how we've come to live.

So, as a way for my man and I to break this routine and create a new, productive and healthy life together, Crossfit seems liked an excellent fit.

I stumbled upon this video today and found it inspiring. I frequently see and know girls who are naturally skinny and to be honest, I'm one of them. We've come to understand that skinny is healthy and fat is unhealthy when really, it can go either way. My skinny exterior has hidden my unhealthy habits since visualy I look in shape when I know my insides are begging me to go for a run.

Girls rock and I'm gonna be a rock star!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Shaving for a cause

So proud of Daddy! Check out the video here! Brings back some memories :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Social Media for Small Business Course

Check out the latest article for my Social Media Course for Small Business. Click HERE

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Universal Horoscope

Ready? Sure?
“Whatever the situation or secret moment, enjoy everything a lot.
Feel able to absolutely care. Expect nothing else. Keep making love.
Family and friends matter. The world is life, fun and energy.
Maybe hard. Or easy. Taking exactly enough is best.
Help and talk to others. Change your mind
And a better mood comes along…”

After last weeks new horoscope findings, this one was created from a mash-up of 4,000 horoscopes. It's one I can really take to heart :) Click here to check out the data process.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

NESTREST from Dedon

Can't even describe how bad I want one of these!

An over-sized bird’s nest offering you a secluded, suspended sanctuary and unusual meeting place: it’s the perfect place for relaxation, meditation and open-air conversations - NESTREST.

NESTREST is made of an especially strong DEDON fiber (4 cm wide, instead of 2 cm), guaranteeing a sturdy and solid weave with excellent properties: it shelters those within, allowing them to look out while preventing outsiders from seeing in – a perfect feeling of security!

For more about the NestRest you can check it out on the Dedon website.

You can also check out the factsheet about the NestRest here

No idea on a price which is never a good sign but loving the design and concept! Eco cool!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

My happy song of the day

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Kiss a Ginger Day!

Last year some kids on Facebook started the national phenomenon of Kick a Ginger Day. To make up for last year, 2011 is seeing the first KISS a Ginger Day. So get out there and Kiss a Ginger! It's not their fault, they're people too and need love just like everyone else...probably a little bit more so.

Happy Kiss A Ginger Day!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Where the nice people are

As a result of my new job (Social Networking Assistant and Tech Coach for the County of Brant Public Library), I've been traveling the Ontario country side searching out small business to attend my class and have had some very interesting encounters.

The rolling snowy hills of Brant County are lovely, the deer silently munch in the sleepy fields as I drive past and a light snow always seems to be falling. All this is well and good but if weren't for the wonderful people of Brant County, it just wouldn't be the same.

Maybe it's because I lived in Toronto for the past number of years I haven't been used to people of this county nature. Maybe it's because I've traveled and dealt with many short tempered or impatient people these kinds of people seem even more outstanding. Whatever my own personal reasons for noticing their manerisms, I've recently discovered that the people of the country are the best kinds of people BY FAR!

After visiting the villages of Burford, St.George and Scotland, I can't get over how incredible nice, friendly, welcoming and thankful the people of these towns are. I, a stranger, walks in to provide some information and I get nothing but the utmost welcome, thanks and warm wishes for my day.

It's all over the web. Lots of websites and all claiming Canada to be one of the nicest countries in the world and it's these people we have to credit. I don't see many randomly smiling faces or 'Hello! How are you's' from strangers in Toronto.

It really is amazing how friendly and nice these people are and I can't think of a better reason to move to the country then to be surrounded by hardworking, honest people. Why wouldn't I want to work there, live there and raise my family there? What's so appealing about these medium size cities that have high crime rates, high teen pregnancy rates and really busy Tim Horton's?

It's the country for me!! :)