Tuesday, January 18, 2011

NESTREST from Dedon

Can't even describe how bad I want one of these!

An over-sized bird’s nest offering you a secluded, suspended sanctuary and unusual meeting place: it’s the perfect place for relaxation, meditation and open-air conversations - NESTREST.

NESTREST is made of an especially strong DEDON fiber (4 cm wide, instead of 2 cm), guaranteeing a sturdy and solid weave with excellent properties: it shelters those within, allowing them to look out while preventing outsiders from seeing in – a perfect feeling of security!

For more about the NestRest you can check it out on the Dedon website.

You can also check out the factsheet about the NestRest here

No idea on a price which is never a good sign but loving the design and concept! Eco cool!

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